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After receiving an Integrative Speech and Language 

version of a comprehensive speech and language + functional nutritional evaluation, you should find yourself feeling informed, educated, empowered, hopeful, with a new outlook and ready for next steps…

If you are the parent of a child with special needs or a caregiver of an adult, chances are - YOU ARE STRESSED and have neglected self-care.  Below you will find some easy things you can add to your day and do for yourself and for or with your loved ones.  Little habits add up over time and make big differences! 

Healthy Habits - try this one!


Ok ok...... this one is ON ME! With any supplements you purchase, I will give a donation to ... 

Proceeds for Pet Adoption / Pet Rescue

Take a minimum of10% off any and all professional only supplements order by clicking on words Wellevate and/or Fullscript below

and make an automatic donation (from my proceeds) to dog rescue programs all at the same time!

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After receiving an Integrative Speech and Language 

version of a comprehensive speech and language + functional nutritional evaluation, you should find yourself feeling informed, educated, empowered, hopeful, with a new outlook and ready for next steps… OR Phone / Text: 909-638-2519 / 480-518-3879

The Legal stuff
The information presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only and it has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information isn’t intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease, nor is it medical advice. On should always consult a qualified medical professional before engaging in any dietary and / or lifestyle change. *additional disclaimer: Karen Junk, M.S., CCC-SLP, LE, NC, FDN-P, Integrative Speech and Language, Integrative SLP Services, Healthy Begins Within, HI-END, LLC is NOT diagnosing or treating disease. She is NOT a physician. She is using and

interpreting lab work from a unique and functional nutritional perspective and sharing ideas, interpretations and information with you only. She is NOT advising, recommending, or prescribing anything. She is empowering you with information to simply consider and use at your own discretion in conjunction with your own intuition and own belief in your own body to re-
balance, re-establish homeostasis and heal. She is not responsible for your health or the life / health choices you make.

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